Monday, January 10, 2011


The winds hit the coast heavily today
Rocks that shield the houses seem to weaken
Looking out upon the calm sea of cerulean shadows yesterday
Now, it seems to have been changed
It's layers of mightiness are swayed by the winds
Seemingly beautiful and peaceful,
Howling closer it hits our splintery windows

To live by the sea, one of changes
A burden to bear, to appreciate its unsettled ways
Entering my life, challenging our living
Stronger the forces hit our humble hovel

Yet, they strengthen the core of us
Challenging to ruins, yet we yield and move to higher ground
Like the ocean, we to are swayed by changes
Strengthen our souls, as the winds strengthen its victims
Now looking upon the ocean, peaceful and serene once again
Yet both the ocean and I are changed

Friday, January 7, 2011

Snow Bound

Spending the hours of cold snow laden days
Alone in my hide-out
With my colored pencils and books
Fantasy or a Romance that's all I can say
As I read away in my cozy corner

Dodie Smith's "I Capture the Castle"
Rereading it for the time being
As I have loved this novel since high school
My sixteen year old mind enchanted by the story
Now twenty-three and it still makes me smile
What's next on my list to reread???
Cold Comfort Farm .... I think may be the answer

After reading this book, I'm craving some Scones and Tea, hmm looks like my next adventure may involve some English Breakfast, and some baking.

-Pictures taken and provided for my blog by myself after the snow hit my corner of the woods