Sunday, December 26, 2010

The Day After

interlaced, straight-laced, whatever laced individual ideas
Floating in a atmosphere of drifting winds and cold glares
Passing through the Northern Corridor
As nutmeg hot chocolate is passed around the small hall this eve
Downy feathery coats, thick knobby woolen scarves, and pairs of gloves dressing the chairs
Talk is fast and sporadic around the granite fireplace

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

"A Busy Clerk"
Sometimes the ancient minstrels play loudly on the eve of a full moon
Their harps of delicate cowhide, dark oak, and Eurasian silk
Singing sweetly in the mid-winter wind
Frost clinging to their dirt stained boots lined with the thickest furs of the Northern Kingdoms
I listen from my dusty chamber
Thick books of last December's taxes and dust of a decade surround
My thin cloak of cotton, no lining due to my empty purse
But I hear their engaging tune
As I whisper a farewell to my books of work and all
Out the window to their sound my heart goes
As I dream of ancient pasts and courageous Kings, and Knights of silver
Sleeping with my head upon my cedar desk
Dreams spinning in my snores
I sleep and awaken in a morning of fog
My books and forms covered with frost
As my open window that never closed
And no moon to hear my cry
For my deadline has arrived!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Sun, Stars, and Song

The sun glowed evanescent through the billowy willows as I walked through the entrance to the dark secrets guarded by the animals of time.

Then as the night grew to pass, the chill in the sky through the bringing of eve and the closing of a day of song and dance, we all sung in the last lapse of light as the evening sky came to be.

-Pictures all supplied by me (Emmy) taken in 2009 Fall, during my visits to the Temple of Heaven and Emperor Min's tomb

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A day among fairy books and tea!

"Life is about the simple pleasures and the small things that make the corners of one's mouth turn up into a beautiful smile that seems to bring peace to one's self! "

Good Books that make one's mind spin tales of one's own! I'm quite enjoying both of these books:

The Fairies Nutfolk Wood- Quite good, , as it brought me back to my own childhood days wandering through the woods, and make believing that I could talk to trees and plants. I was a strange child and spent many of my hours spinning tales of my own!

The Ballad- This book is a clever sequel to the Lament by Maggie Stiefvater, which I just finished yesterday, and again I couldn't put it down. I enjoyed traveling into the lives of Deidre and James two friends who's lives are both interrupted by those of the Faerie realm.

Wrote a poem while sitting upon the shore's of the foggy beach this evening.

Fairy Isle
Upon the mists that rose above the granite cliff
Clever tunes of a yearning of heart are torn
Gently grieving the loss of a clear morn
Never to see through the fog and steam of now
Green eyes mystify with the idea of sound
As they near in to the harmonic muses
The sound is quelled
For mischievous and games are not to be found

Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Rainshowers

Ahhh, the pattering of the rain today against the thick bumpy glass of my cottage, a sorry sight to see after such a sunny week, the coldness that seemed to seep through under my wooden door, as I brush against the cold stone floor in my striped navy blue and cerulean blue wool socks.
I shiver my way to the fire place to throw on some more wood and to start the water for my tea and to cook the porridge. The steam coming off the fire warming me up, I got to my senses and then realized it was a Monday, ahh Mondays, a new day of the week, and also a day full of classes with the elders. Ohh why can't I have just one day to wander and listen to the new spring hatched robins instead of sitting stiffly through a lecture by Beleg about the shortcomings of the human folk.
I just wanted the freedom to have my own day, but I looked up at my clock and it was already 7 o'clock, I must rush and make this porridege and tea. Lifting the steaming pot of porridge off the fire, filled with thick oats and the last of my dried apples. I quickly poured some almond milk atop it to cool it off, and swiftly with my other free hand poured the steaming water into my mug of mint leaves. I quickly ate the porridge and steadly sipped my mint tea, and now to get dressed and off to classes.
I went through my drawers and found my simple woolen slip and over it threw a dress of dark mossen green wool to keep myself warm and tied up my worn boots, and placed my light spring cloak of red around myself. I must hurry if I am to make ti on time ot class.